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Join date : 2021-12-14

Why Rope Saw Cutting Is More and More Popular Empty Why Rope Saw Cutting Is More and More Popular

Tue Nov 29, 2022 8:11 am

With the rapid development of urban construction, wire saw cutting has become more and more important Nowadays, in many big cities, the ground can no longer meet our traffic requirements. Urban traffic has extended upward to viaducts, light rails, and downward to subways. It seems that some viaducts have become constraints on urban development

However, during the reconstruction of these elevated structures, it is inevitable to dismantle some of them, and at the same time, ensure that the available parts are not affected and can be reused normally, which has still become a problem in front of us When the traditional demolition construction is powerless, our advanced wire saw cutting method has the excellent characteristics of safety, efficiency and environmental protection, which effectively solves this problem for us
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